Learn Redux by Example, No Distraction. No Install. Just Run!
Sample code:
- Redux with React only, click redux-with-react.html
- Redux with React and React Redux, click redux-with-react-and-react-redux.html
- Redux with React and Redux Toolikit, click redux-with-react-and-redux-toolkit.html
- Redux with React and React Redux and Redux Toolkit, click redux-with-react-and-react-redux-and-redux-toolkit.html
- Redux without React, only with Redux Toolkit, click redux-without-react-only-with-redux-toolkit.html
You can read the code by just doing view-source on each of the above pages.
All codes are using CDN based of React, React DOM, React Redux and Redux Toolkit.
- Is React Redux required to use Redux? No. You can use Redux without React Redux. React Redux is just a library that helps you to connect Redux to React.
- Is Redux Toolkit required to use Redux? No. You can use Redux without Redux Toolkit. Redux Toolkit is just a library that helps you to write Redux code faster.
- Is React required to use Redux? No. You can use Redux without React. React is just a library that helps you to build UI.
- Is React DOM required to use React? No. You can use React without React DOM. React DOM is just a library that helps you to render React components to the DOM.